Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Political Repersentation
Voting Behaviour

Fine Fáil is the most dominat political party in the area, followed by Labour and Fine Gael.

Political Repersentation

The Liberties is part of the South Central and South East constituencies.

Between these constituencies, the area is repersented by nine TDs.

Sean Ardagh (Fianna Fáil)

Mary Upton (Labour)

Aengus O Snodaigh (Sinn Féin)

Catherine Byrne (Fine Gael)

Michael Mulcahy (Fianna Fáil)

Chris Andrews
Area: South East
Party: Fianna Fáil

Contact Info
Address: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Phone: 01-6183054

Lucinda Creighton
Area: South East
Party: Fine Gael

Contact Info
Address: Leinster House, Kildare street, Dublin 2
Tel : (01) 6183527

Ruari Quinn
Area: South East
Party: Labour

Contact Info
Address: 23 Strand Road, Sandymount Dublin 4
Phone:01 6183434
Fax: 01 6184153

John Gormley
Area: South East
Party: Green

Contact Info
Address:119 Ringsend Park, Dublin 4
Tel: 01 888 2403
Fax: 01 878 8640